Where the amazing happens.

Franklin Center delivers innovative, tailored services for those on the autism spectrum or with related neurodiversities. Our integrated model unlocks potential and transforms lives.

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About Franklin Center

Our holistic approach includes a full range of services.

Franklin Academy

A Minnesota K-12 school providing holistic and tailored education for neurodiverse learners.

Franklin Therapy

Fully licensed, comprehensive therapy for the neurodiverse, with a focus on the intersection of behavioral and mental health.

Franklin Enrichment

Engaging experiences outside of school where students build friendships, create connections, and develop social skills.

Campl Franklin

Summer camps for neurodiverse or sensory-sensitive students to maintain their learning, have fun, and make friends.

Franklin Capstone

A post-secondary program offering social vocational, and life skills courses, preparing young adults to live and work independently with confidence.

At Franklin Center, we unlock the potential for a full, independent, confident life. Through our innovative, tailored services and education we deliver a unique and highly effective holistic service model.

Formerly called The Whole Learning School, and then Academy of Whole Learning, we were founded in 2003 by a group of parents of children with neurodiversities. They knew their children had potential, and they built a school to unlock that potential.

We have grown each year, whether by adding grades and electives to our K-12 school, or adding more services, such as behavioral and mental health therapy services, summer camp, and most recently, an adult program.

Just as we’ve grown, so has enrollment at our school and in each of our programs. In fact, numbers have more than quadrupled in the past 10 years, as more and more families realize we offer not just an alternative, but an avenue to unlock the potential for learning, belonging, and succeeding.

Students Excelling at The Franklin Center

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We transform lives by addressing the holistic academic, social, emotional and mental health needs of the neurodiverse community.


Enable our neurodiverse community to have an exceptional human experience.


Courage: We are never afraid to try new ideas. We stand up for others.
Creativity: We innovate, invent, and apply the best thinking in our programs and methods.
Collaboration: We work together across disciplines to achieve better outcomes.
Accountability: We take initiative, we are factual, we accept feedback humbly, and we assume responsibility.
Celebrate the neurodiverse: We tailor our work to meet the unique needs of every person we serve.
Tenacity: We persevere with patience.

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We’d love to find out more about your situation and see if any of our services can be the solution you need.

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